You are a unique individual with your own personality traits—some of these traits enable you to achieve great things in life, and others can seem to hold you back and ultimately stifle your true potential. Enter your information below to get started.

Oxford Capacity Analysis (OCA) Test

Oxford Capacity Analysis (OCA) Test

The OCA Personality Test and complimentary results consultation are absolutely free with no obligation—it’s simply a great opportunity to learn more about you.


A happy marriage forms the basis of a happy and healthy family. When a couple experiences marital discord, it not only involves them individually but has a serious ripple affect on the children and other family members. The Church Chaplain or any Scientology minister can help them work through their troubles and build an even stronger foundation than what previously existed.

Scientology Marriage Counseling is an exact procedure for alleviating marital problems. It addresses the root of all such difficulties: transgressions against the couple’s previously agreed-upon moral code that now inhibits their communication.

Scientology Marriage Counseling not only restores communication, but also brings about a resurgence of the affinity and reality that go with it. Using these techniques, Chaplains and other Scientology ministers have successfully salvaged thousands of marriages.